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Please login to submit this form.", "login": "Go to login" }, "elements": { "copy": { "title": "Copied", "description": "The value has been copied to your clipboard." } }, "image-upload": { "single": { "choose": "Choose image", "image-removed": "Image removed.", "undo": "Undo" }, "cropper": { "title": "Crop image", "crop": "Crop", "cancel": "Cancel" } }, "settings": { "profile": { "title": "Profile", "description": "Choose how you want to be seen by others", "fields": { "displayName": { "label": "Display name", "placeholder": "Enter a name", "description": "Cannot be changed currently" }, "name": { "label": "Name", "placeholder": "Enter a name", "rules": { "required": "Name is required", "max": "Name must be less than 20 characters", "min": "Name must be at least 3 characters" } }, "picture": { "label": "Profile picture" } } }, "save": "Save" }, "meta-titles": { "home": "Home", "custom-page": "{{name}}", "settings": "Settings", "profile-other": "{{displayName}}'s profile", "profile": "Profile", "submission": "{{displayName}}'s {{form}} submission", "submit": "Submit {{form}} submissionj", "submissions": "{{form}} submissions" }, "time": { "month-names": { "1": "January", "2": "February", "3": "March", "4": "April", "5": "May", "6": "June", "7": "July", "8": "August", "9": "September", "10": "October", "11": "November", "12": "December" }, "ago": "Ago", "year": { "short": "y", "long": "year", "plural": "years" }, "month": { "short": "m", "long": "month", "plural": "months" }, "day": { "short": "d", "long": "day", "plural": "days" }, "hour": { "short": "h", "long": "hour", "plural": "hours" }, "minute": { "short": "m", "long": "minute", "plural": "minutes" }, "second": { "short": "s", "long": "second", "plural": "seconds" } } }